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Gait Analyzer

Analyze your gait for health disorders at the comfort of your home in your own personal computer.


Gait abnormalities can be attributed to various musculoskeletal and neurological conditions and so gait analysis is being used as an important diagnostic tool by doctors.
Automated gait analysis requires expensive motion capture or multiple-camera systems. But with Gait Analyzer one can analyze their gait in comfort and privacy of their home on their computer.


Gait Analyzer implements the algorithm published in the paper titled Automated Gait Analysis Based on a Marker-Free Pose Estimation Model.
This algorithm for gait analysis is shown to be as reliable as a motion capture system for most scenarios.
Gait Analyzer further uses Llama2 large language model to interpret the gait data to the end user in simple terms.

Video Demo



  • Do gait analysis on videos locally on your computer.
  • Annotated video with pose-estimation.
  • Distances, Peaks and Minima plotted for each leg.
  • Displaying Gait data.
  • Download of gait data as .csv file.
  • Gait pattern explanation using Large Language Model.


Annotated Videoannoted_low_quality.gif 3.37 MBCharts
Gait Datagait-data.png 37.57 KBGait pattern explanation


Usage and  source code for Gait Analyzer is available at https://github.com/abishekmuthian/gaitanalyzer .


Sponsor the development of Gait Analyzer with a small monthly payment. Sponsor perks will be announced soon. In case you'd like to sponsor a bigger amount, please get in touch.
health ArtificialIntelligence